April 20, 2023
Nebtaldogters skop die seisoen op 'n hoë noot af
Laerskool Bosveld Primary se Netbalspanne het op die 18de April 2023 behoorlik opgeruk om hul eerste ronde ligawedstryde teen Laerskool Platina te speel.
The Bossie girls won all their matches and returned as heroes to Laerskool Bosveld Primary. The under-13 ladies performed particularly well and defeated their opponent by 10 points to 2.
Verdere uitslae was as volg:
O/10 Wen 8-0
O/11 Wen 5-2
O/12A Wen 5-6
O/12B Wen 8-0
O/13B Wen 13-1
Congratulations to these girls, your excellence is noticeable on and off the field!
With such a kick-off, it is hard not to look forward to what lies ahead for Laerskool Bosveld Primary's Netball teams this year.