Ons glo hier by Laerskool Bosveld Primary om elke leerder en onnie se talent te help ontwikkel, daarom het ons ‘n Talentfees wat uit ‘n breë spektrum van kultuuraktiwiteite bestaan, waar elke leerder en onderwyser die geleentheid gegee word om hul talente uit te leef. Die fees vind gedurende die derde kwartaal plaas.
We believe at Laerskool Bosveld Primary to help develop each learners and teacher’s talent, which is why we have a Talent Festival consisting of a broad spectrum of cultural activities. Every learner and teacher has the opportunity to take part in this event. The festival will take place during the third term.
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Hier is nog niks nuus nie. Hou hierdie spasie dop, meer inligting sal binnekort geplaas word. / There is no news here yet. Keep an eye on this space, more information will be posted soon.