Die skoolkoerant, nl. Die Bossie, word jaarliks in koerantvorm gedruk en versprei, waar al Laerskool Bosveld Primary se aktiwiteite in ‘n neutedop vasgevang word. Graag word daar d.m.v hierdie spogkoerant erkenning aan leerders gegee vir uitmuntende prestasies op akademiese, sport- en kultuurgebied; daar is egter ook altyd ruimte om die ontspanningsgeleenthede wat by die skool plaasvind op ‘n prettige wyse ten toon te stel.
The school newspaper, i.e. The Bossie, is printed and distributed annually in newspaper form, where all of Laerskool Bosveld Primary's activities are caught in a nutshell. This newspaper’s aim is to reconise learners for outstanding academic, sports and cultural achievements; however, there is always room to showcase the recreational opportunities that take place at the school in a fun way. Due to the pandemic, a Christmas edition will be done online this year – certainly an edition that once again promises to be a showpiece.